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5 Holistic Ways to Boost Your Skincare Routine


Skincare at home is such an important part of the skincare journey. Externally, it is the foundation from which you build and create a healthy skin. I have created a list of holistic elements to support and enhance your skincare routine at home.


Something you need to know is that skincare at home doesn't always need to consist of a bathroom cabinet full to the brim with products. This can easily happen, when we self-diagnose and let marketing bombard us and let it persuade our decisions into impulse purchases we might not necessarily need. What I would suggest is to find a reputable skin specialist who is able to support your skincare expectations, budget and goals, so that you can have a skincare routine that is prescribed by a professional and that is personalised for you.

Get in touch and start your skincare journey today.



I adore rose quartz. This stone has been around and used holistically for thousands of years and known as the stone of unconditional love and healing. It's a beautiful way to connect and signify your routine to a self-love practice.

Using a Gua Sha itself has so many skincare benefits:


By gliding the Gua Sha's edge over the face in a light but confident stroke repeatedly, it will naturally increase blood flow to the area infusing the skin with more oxygen and vital nutrients, resulting in a beautiful healthy glow.


By soft tissue stimulation, it can create localised inflammation, sending an influx of fibroblasts and fibronectin which in turn stimulates the production of increased collogen and elastin. The key here is making this a part of your daily practice and being consistent.


It can support in the drainage of fluid and toxin build-up which supports in the reduction of puffiness, resulting in more contour and definition in the face.


By applying pressure with a Gua Sha tool regularly, it can untangle knotted areas and release built-up muscular tension, especially around the jaw area if you find you clench your teeth at night.

There are many options available to you, however I have linked below for ease if you wish to purchase together with a link for a follow along tutorial available on YouTube:



Aromatherapy oils are a great addition for so many reasons. Of course, the reason I love the most is that some of them have incredible benefits for the skin- particularly Frankincense.

Known as the king of essential oils, Frankincense has a variety of notable uses and benefits. This powerful essential oil is admired for its ability to beautify and rejuvenate skin when applied topically. By using this as a serum, the chemical properties of the oil will aid in reducing the appearance of skin imperfections and due to its anti-inflammatory nature, it's great for soothing irritated and inflamed skins too. It also makes for a great medium to use with your Rose Quartz Gua Sha.

Not all aromatherapy oils are created equal, though. Some of the essential oils on the market are heavily contaminated and contain not so friendly synthetic chemicals or fillers. I have done some research, and these are the oils I would recommend. They have gone through rigorous testing and their oils are 100% pure and can be trusted.



Mediation is not normally something you would associate with skin, but when we look at the skin holistically, stress is one of the biggest culprits to some our skin concerns we see today. Acne, sensitivity, dullness, lines and wrinkles to name a few.

One of the best ways we can care for our skin and our overall wellness is to start making meditation or Breath work a daily and common practice in our lives as it is a proven form to aid in lowering our stress levels. I strongly believe that healthy glowing, youthful skin comes from within.

The 4-7-8 breathing technique can be used to relax when you're feeling stressed or anxious. The exercise helps regulate the hormone cortisol, which controls your fight or flight response. This is important because too much cortisol being released in your body too often can have negative long-term health effects and the reason, we see adverse effects in the skin too.

I highly recommend downloading the "Feel Better" app, by Deliciously Ella. It's an incredible resource with short follow along mediations/breath work along with so many other tools to support your wellness journey.



It's no secret that nutrition is important for your health. An unhealthy diet can damage your metabolism, cause weight gain and even damage organs such as your heart and liver. But what you eat also effects your largest organ of all- your skin!

As scientists learn more about diet and the body, it's increasingly clear that what you eat can significantly affect the health and aging of your skin. I speak about this a lot in my skin coaching sessions - and while I don't believe in the term "diets", what I can tell you is that considering the below and finding a way to include them into your lifestyle will not only beneficial for your skin but for your body as a whole.


Finding ways to add vast plant-based colour varieties into your food choices, allows for the diversity of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. I find making delicious smoothies, an easy way to incorporate more colour into my diet.


Eating foods rich in fatty omegas 3 and 6 will support the skins barrier function, improving skin moisture.

They are also known to fight inflammation and autoimmune conditions that effect the skin like Lupas and Psoriasis.

- Avocados

- Nuts and seeds

- Responsibly sourced Fish


Drinking enough water is absolutely essential to nourish our bodies and skin! I can easily see in a skin when my clients are not drinking enough. The difference it makes to skin is significant. If you are like me, and drinking water feels like a chore try find ways that make it easier to hydrate throughout the day. Slicing some fruit into it to gives it a refreshing flavour. Cucumber and Strawberries are my personal favourite.



Last but certainly not least. In fact, I would go as far as saying good sleep hygiene is right at the top in terms of priority for overall skin and wellness. The human body and all its systems require quality sleep to perform at their best and work synergistically with one another. When someone is exhausted and not sleeping well, where do you tend to see it's effect first? The skin! It becomes dull, grey even. Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. For some, acne and underlying congestion. Practicing good sleeping habits will make a lasting and significant difference to your overall wellbeing. There are so many tips to support a good sleep routine which is something I can help with in a coaching session, but I have pin-pointed 3 of the most important ones I think make the biggest impact.


Blue light on our screens, laptops, smartphones and TV influences our circadian rhythms and signals our brain to be more alert, increase our body temperature and heart rate, making it difficult for us to unwind and "switch off" so that we can sleep well. Ideally, we should be shutting down all screen time at least 2 hours before bedtime to ensure good night's rest.


... and stick with it. Decide on the time you want to go to sleep by every night and set your alarm to wake- ensuring your get the right amount of sleep YOU need. Generally, you need at least 7 hours QUALITY sleep to feel rested so consider that.

Find tools in your ritual that work for you, whether it be reading a book, playing calming music in the background, meditation, using aromatherapy oils and diffusers. Find what works for you and then then practice it as a daily ritual.


The effects of caffeine can last 3 to 7 hours after you consume it. This means that your afternoon coffee may be keeping you up and alert longer than you would like. It

You are probably best keeping the morning hours for your coffee drinking though it does depend on your tolerance. Someone that tends not to drink much coffee may be more sensitive to its effects.


I hope that these tips have been helpful and supportive in your holistic skin and well path.

With love,


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